If you often find yourself spending too much time on your phone instead of doing spreadsheets or if you often struggle to keep your head up during an important meeting, you should do something about your productivity. With better focus come better work results and better work satisfaction, so it’s something that really deserves your attention. Here are a few easy ways to boost your productivity and be the best worker in your office! 
Easy Ways to Improve Work Productivity
If you often find yourself spending too much time on your phone instead of doing spreadsheets or if you often struggle to keep your head up during an important meeting, you should do something about your productivity. With better focus come better work results and better work satisfaction, so it’s something that really deserves your attention. Here are a few easy ways to boost your productivity and be the best worker in your office!
Know thyself
This is the best way to be truly productive at work. Make sure to leave the hardest and most creatively-demanding tasks for your personal peak productivity time. For instance, if you’re a morning person, start your work day very aggressively and finish most of the workload before your lunch break. On the other hand, if you’re more of a night owl, start your day by concentrating on yourself. You can prepare a nice breakfast, do some exercise, read the newspaper. This will ensure you provide yourself with plenty of energy to take you through your day and then attack your work later in the afternoon.
Ensure a great work environment
If you’re one of those people with an iron will, you can work anywhere. However, most of us require a proper work environment in order to stay focused and productive. So, make sure your office is free of clutter, yet pleasant and comfortable. Pay special attention to ergonomic furniture, since neck and back pain can be very distracting. Additionally, you can add some warmth to your space with a soft rug and give your feet a little treat. A nice rug will not only create a warmer vibe but also boost color and spark your creativity and imagination.
Eliminate distractions
When creating your perfect work environment, make sure to keep it free from distractions. Today, our space is usually full of smartphones that chime, computers that tempt and coworkers who chat, but if you pay too much attention to them, you’ll leave your workspace without finishing a single task. So, make sure to turn off your app notifications, limit your Instagram or Tweeter time and grab a good pair of noise-canceling headphones. These will allow you to stay in your little productive kingdom and ignore everything that does your focus bad.
Stop multitasking
Many people resort to multitasking in order to boost their productivity, but they don’t realize they are doing exactly the opposite. Actually, your productivity can be reduced by almost 40% thanks to mental blocks caused by constant task switching. So, make sure to stop multitasking and concentrate on one task at a time. As soon as your attention and your hands start drifting towards something else, make sure to correct your behavior.
Make a to-do list
These little work aids will keep you organized and focused and provide you with that super satisfying feeling you get when you check off things from your list. Update your to-do list every evening to prevent wasting time looking for tasks in the morning. If you have someone to discuss your list with, do it. This will instantly make your to-do tasks more real and allow you to think about them more thoroughly. You’ll do half the work in your head already, so finishing your tasks for the day will be a breeze.
Take plenty of breaks
Breaks shouldn’t be optional. They are the key to productivity, so make sure to take them very seriously (if you must, don’t hesitate to schedule them). Every 25 minutes, stand up from your desk, take a 5-minute break, have a glass of water and stretch. This is called a Pomodoro technique and it works wonders! When you return to your desk, you’ll find yourself rejuvenated and ready to tackle any task.
Productivity is a capricious thing. However, with these few easy tricks, you can boost it and aim it in the right direction. You will not only achieve better work results but also feel much happier and satisfied with your performance and workplace.
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