In this blog, we look at the benefits of a text messaging service for business, and why, if you haven't already, you need to get started with SMS mark
considered it, but not really taken things any further than this. Perhaps it’s already in the pipeline,
and if that’s the case, we’re here to help you understand why there’s no time like the present to get
started with SMS marketing.
Whatever position you are in, there's a good chance that your business could reap substantial
benefits from bulk SMS marketing, and in this post, we will explain why it is now making a huge
comeback, and how it can help your business stand out and flourish.
What exactly is SMS Marketing in 2020?
As the name suggests, SMS marketing involves sending promotional campaigns or transactional
messages via mobile devices. Typically, this will be an update, offer, or alert.
Mobile phone usage is at an all-time high.
There is a wide array of SMS marketing apps you can purchase from sites such as Shopify to help you
set up, run and monitor your SMS marketing campaigns. However, given recent advancements in
technology and the array of tactics marketers have at their disposal, is it still relevant and effective to
use bulk SMS marketing to contact customers?
The short answer is yes, here are some key reasons why:
7 Benefits of SMS Marketing for business
1.Cost Effectiveness
There's a perception that bulk SMS marketing requires sophisticated and expensive text messaging
marketing software, as well as lots of working hours. In truth, SMS marketing pricing is relatively
cheap, and it's easy to budget for. Cloud messaging services make SMS marketing a cost-effective
option. Certainly, when compared to options such as print advertising, email marketing and Google
AdWords, bulk SMS marketing is a far more budget-friendly option.
There are many SMS marketing pricing tiers, and there are plenty of
SMS marketing apps
, so you can
tailor your campaigns accordingly to ensure you make the best possible use of your budget.
2.Clever and Convenient Integrations
Technology and SMS marketing platforms in particularly are constantly evolving. As just one
example, an SMS marketing app on Shopify can offer an easy and cheap way to reach thousands of
customers. Due to clever integrations with other platforms, getting started and managing SMS
marketing campaigns (even for newbies) is easier than you can imagine. User interfaces are clean
and simple (mostly), and regardless of whether you have prior experience, these integrations making
3.Customer Engagement
Low-cost marketing solutions are only good if you see a return on investment. If you want real
results, and you want customer engagement, this is another reason why a text messaging service for
business is highly effective. SMS messages have far higher open rates than emails or phone calls.
According to
SMS market research
, almost 98% of people read their SMS messages compared to a
meagre 20% of people who open/read emails. What's more, SMS marketing has a far higher
conversion rate than its email equivalent. In fact, people are more likely to take action off the back of
your text message than any other marketing method.
This opens up a wealth of possibilities for your business. You could run competitions, offer exclusive
deals, personalize messages with appointment/delivery updates, or even start a personalised
conversation with customers. Better still, a text messaging service for business doesn't fall foul of the
dreaded spam filter, so there's no danger of your message not being delivered.
4.Huge Reach Potential
As of the start of this year, just shy of
45% of our global population own a smartphone
, and 48% of
the world's population has internet access – and these numbers are rising daily.
Pretty much every country in the world has at least one mobile phone carrier, so regardless of where
your audience is located, they will have the potential to see your messages, regardless of whether
they are connected to the internet or not.
The reach of an SMS marketing campaign is incredible. Think about it, when was the last time you
got a text message that you didn't check almost instantly? SMS is harder to overlook than email, and
it is much easier to reach more people nowadays with an SMS compared to other forms of
5.Better and Faster Analytics
Of course, you want to know how well your marketing campaigns are performing. But how
accurately can you monitor the performance of an ad in the local newspaper, an email, or any other
form of digital marketing campaigns?
The truth is, you can get a ton of analytics from your emails and digital marketing activities, but with
so many metrics, reports, parameters, and options; it can be tough to get a clear picture of what is
and is not working. Particularly if you're not a digital marketing expert.
This is where an SMS marketing app from Shopify can be really helpful. You receive real-time data
and detailed analytics - telling you exactly who is clicking your links, where they are located and what
action they are taking. This is a huge benefit when it comes to adapting campaigns, plus
understanding what works (and doesn't work) for your business.
Another important advantage of bulk SMS marketing is the speed at which the messages are read. A ![]()
recent survey
revealed that around 90% of SMS messages were read within 3 minutes of being
delivered. This means you can get accurate results from your campaigns almost instantly.
6.Opt-outs...and opt-ins
Inevitably, some people will not want to receive text messages from your business. Unlike some
marketing channels, bulk SMS marketing makes it very easy for customers to opt-out of your
messages. This is a great way of building trust with your audience, if they can see that they've got an
easy way out of your marketing, they are actually more inclined to carry on receiving your messages.
On the flip side, you can build your SMS marketing audience by giving your audience to opt-in for
SMS messaging via other channels, for example, by adding SMS marketing as an option on your
sign-up page or via pop-up messages on your website.
People also use other lead magnets or content on their website to quickly grab contact details. There
are lots and lots of innovative ways to do this; one of the biggest advantages of SMS marketing has
to be its simplicity.
7.Clarity of Message
People's attention spans are shorter than ever. The world is full of distractions, so being able to get
your message across in a concise and succinct manner is imperative. This is where a text messaging
service for business can be really effective.
With an SMS, you're limited in terms of the length of your message, but you can use that to your
advantage. Keeping your message short and simple is ideal in the modern age. Companies are
fighting to get people's attention, so if your audience can see your message just by glancing at their
screen, then you're ahead of the game. Your audience has read your message before they've even
had a chance to weigh out whether they're interested in doing so!
In Summary
Whichever way you look at it, a text messaging service for business has an important part to play in
modern-day marketing. Having robust text message marketing platform and a strong bulk SMS
marketing strategy can really help your business get ahead of competitor. Aside from this, regardless
of the brand of SMS marketing platforms you choose, they're all pretty easy to use and relatively
This surely presents a win-win-win solution for any business of any size.
Author bio:
Hi, my name is Renata and I turn words into sentences for a living. Currently, I’m a
content writer at Senderium - an SMS marketing app for e-commerce that lets you to
easily create, launch, and manage
text message campaigns
for a better customer
experience and business growth.
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