By passing admin password on a website , computer or any other device is usually a challenge. We shared how you can bypass the Android pattern to access an android phone in one of our post. Today we will see, how to access a windows 10 computer without the admin password.
The Microsoft operating system is still on top with millions of computers powered by Windows. They had been a great evolution of the operating system from Windows XP to windows 7 through 8 and 8.1 and Now windows 10.
The Microsoft operating system is still on top with millions of computers powered by Windows. They had been a great evolution of the operating system from Windows XP to windows 7 through 8 and 8.1 and Now windows 10.
The security is one of the options admired with the Windows 10 operating system. One common feature is the admin password option which enables you to access your computer to browse the internet, create articles , design websites,design software, hack systems and even watch porn🔺.
Out of excitement,some computer owners are always fast in creating a login password to protect personal privacy as they say. At one point in times things like the following might arise
*You get dumped by a dude or a chick and you spend some days crying later to discover you cant remember your password. Even though many will claim it seems that we are not always in good memory to remember the password.
* You girlfriend,mum, dad,boyfriend or ''fam'' is claims too much security and you want to see what he is hiding but cant get into the PC because it got an admin password.
This is no big deal today as we will work you through on how to do this stress free. With the rise in technology and hacking , you can by pass any password safely and simply.
Some Solutions to forgetting Your Login Password on Windows 10 for Babies.
One easy thing to do is to install a fresh copy of windows 10. But wait!!! You will loose all your data . If you don't have anything useful on your PC, then go for this.
Now, let us get to see what the big boys and girls will do when they forget their windows login details.
Are you ready?
Permit make an introduction to my lesson: Teaching 101.
Today, we are going to see how to remove or bypass Windows 10 admin password in a very easy way that even your grand ma can do it.
We are going tool which i will give a brief in the next lines.
Windows Password Key Recovery Tool
Windows Password key is a recovery tool that can be used to reset or remove windows admin login password. One thing is that this tool is not available for free. This tool is a premium too and the price ranges from 20$ (Standard) to 70$ (Enterprise plan).
The tool does not work only for windows 10 but can work with other versions including the abandoned windows XP. The tool can be used on different computer brands such as HP,Toshiba, Dell,Lenovo,ASUS,IBM and more . It can be used to access,reset or unlock all accounts associated on the PC including Guess and admin accounts. One thing that make the tool unique is that your data is intact at the end of the operation.
How To Reset/Bypass Windows 10 administrator password Using Windows Password Key.
Having this tool is the difficult part of the process as it cost money. Once you have it, you can get access to any PC in just 5 steps. Let us get started
Step 1: Download the tool using another computer and install it. You can use a friends computer or visit a cyber cafe if it exist in your area.
Step 2: Burn the software on a USB or a DVD ROM and insert it on the computer you want to access (Victims Computer if you are accessing another person's PC)

Step 3: Enter BIOS settings by pressing F2/F10/Delete and change BIOS to boot from the newly created drive.
Step 4: Restart the computer you want to access without admin password and an interface with all active accounts on the windows computer will show as seen in the screen shot below.
You have the yam and the knife right now. Choose the Windows 10 administrator password you want to to bypass or remove and proceed. If you choose to by pass, then you will get access at this stage by clicking next. But if you choose to remove password, proceed to step 5.
You have the yam and the knife right now. Choose the Windows 10 administrator password you want to to bypass or remove and proceed. If you choose to by pass, then you will get access at this stage by clicking next. But if you choose to remove password, proceed to step 5.

Step 5: Click “Next” and then c “Reboot” to exit Windows Password Key and then restart your personal computer again. .

Getting into someone's computer without administrators password is not a big deal with this tool. I hope you enjoyed it? Your Thoughts in the comment section. You can check more Hacking post here
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