As an internet user,online marketer or a business, Google is the most renown company as you explore the online world. As mentioned in my last post about Google, it is not  just a search engine You should

This is one of the latest sub domain of Google.
On this website, you can buy a domain for your blog/website and get a company address and build a website.
Popularly known as G mail,  This is the domain that points to your Google mail. A Gmail account is a prerequisite for most Google services.
This is the sub domain for saving your documents,creating sheets and slides. This is your power point online with Google domain.
Closely related to Google docs, this sub domain allows you to save pictures,documents   and related files in clouds. 
Google maps enable us to find locations of towns,shops, restaurants and  places around the world. To access this service online simply type the domain above.
Google translate is the most popular service after google search. You can use this website to translate a simple text, document or a website With over 100 languages . 
Google groups  is a google service that gives you the opportunity to create discussions and share your thoughts with people around the world. If you can create a forum, then starting a google group is a great place to start
 If you want regulate issues about you accounts, information, privacy settings, pass words and other security issues, then consider checking out this domain.
Ad word is a google advertisement service  for publishers.  You can read more about Google adword here
 This is the domain for Google social networking site, Google plus.
Read more here 

       Some feature of Google plus Social media
This sub domain provide discussions on  google products and services.

You can read articles, tutorial and get other tools to  improve your google experience.

This domain is used to access Google app store.Play store is one of the  best store for android apps with more than 100,000 apps.
If you want to consider starting a site, then try Google site. 
 Which Google sub domain should  be #15?
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