Stop Digging in the house and get the adroid device on Google play

Do you know there is an android device manager(ADM) on +Google Play s that can help you Find your lost phone?

It is time you stop scattering things in the house trying to locate you lost android device(s).

How does the device function?

The ADM helps you locate lost device and enhance its safety and security.

With the device, you can ; Locate android devices,erase all data on your phone and reset your pin without having the phone
However, it has the following Cons;

*The Android management device will not work when location is disabled. This is possible because the account on a given android device can deleted.

*The device manager can be reinstalled without a password.

*The ADM does not work when the phone is powered down .

*The device administrator can be deactivated when phone is stolen.

*The android management device does not work when the phone is located in areas where there is no network
The device is available for download here  

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