In today’s world, we really don’t have time to just stay in a single place and wait for things to happen. Most of the time many of us use USB wall chargers and it makes sense; as USB wall chargers have many charging ports and they also have powerful charging most of the time. However, USB wall chargers cannot provide freedom, because the devices that you charge with USB wall chargers must stay right next to the charger.
That why power banks exist. Power banks are portable chargers that allow you to charge your devices while you’re on the go. With that said, there a lots of different power banks on the market and as a result, it can be quite difficult to know what types of power banks are best for you. In this article, I’ll be explaining the most innovative types of power bank that can help with your portable charging experience. Each one of the types on this list is quite helpful.
I. Power banks that have Built-in Cables

Power banks that have built-in cables are the most reliable types. The reason for this is because every charging electronic that we use requires a charging cable; the stationary types of chargers such as Wireless chargers, USB wall chargers and Car chargers all have cables with them at all times. However, when it comes to power banks, we likely just borrow cables from those stationary sources. It’s easy to forget your charging cable at home and still have your power bank in your hand.
Which is why a power bank with a built-in cable will always be reliable no matter what. With these chargers, you’ll always have a cable that you can use to charge your device or devices with. I changed it to plural right there because there are some power banks that have two built-in cables to charge two different types of devices as well as a USB port to use any charging cable with.
These types of portable chargers even have a Built-in method to recharge the power bank itself such as an AC Adapter or a USB cable. Using an AC Adapter basically, makes a power bank into a USB wall charger. With all that said, there are indeed power banks that exist with which you don’t need a cable at all with.
II. Power banks that are tough as nails

In general, electronics are quite fragile. If you drop a smartphone onto the hard ground, then the screen will most likely crack. Power banks are basically the same way, as most normal types are not able to drop without sustaining damage, as well as not surviving water exposure. However, there are certain power banks that are able to withstand such things. These are called Rugged power banks.
Rugged power banks have reinforcements that make them a lot stronger and durable than regular ones. So these ones are able to fall onto the hard ground, survive, and are still usable. In addition to being shockproof. Rugged power banks are also waterproof because they have USB port covers. It’s important to realize that the only time a power bank is waterproof when you’re not using it and its charging ports are covered. Also, different Rugged power banks have different Enclosure levels that make them resistant to different amounts of water exposure.
This is vital to know when you’re purchasing a Rugged power bank because some are able to survive against Jets of water and others are able to be fully immersed into water.
III. Low Capacity

At their base, power banks come in two main types and that would be ones that have low power capacities and those have high power capacities. I’ll explain high capacity ones after this one.
Low capacity power banks are ones that are used the most and the reason for that is because there are fewer batteries being used as well as smaller ones. As a result, having a low power capacity means that a power bank will be smaller and these types are so small that they’re able to fit into your pocket or you’re able to hold most of them in your hand as you recharge your smartphone. The portability is the main reason that these small power banks are the most popular.
When it comes to power, these power banks are on the low end of the stick because they have power capacities that are meant for charging smartphones once or twice before they’re fully depleted of power. In addition to that, most of them have a single charging port.
IV. High Capacity

As I mentioned before, the other type of base power banks are ones that have high power capacity. These ones are larger because they use larger and more batteries; as a result, they’re the lesser used types of portable chargers as they’re not able to fit into a pocket easily. They can still be taken anywhere, but are heavier as well, so holding for longer periods of time isn’t the best option. has stated that these high capacity power banks have a lot of power. This goes for their power capacity that’s able to charge many devices multiple times to their full power. One of the best parts about these power banks is that they use special charging tech like Quick Charge and USB-C.
V. Charging Cable Power banks

There are even power banks that have been implemented onto charging cables and these types of power banks are very tiny. They’re so small that they only have 450mAh of power capacity, and are really only meant for emergencies. With that said, it’s still portable power, and all you have to do with power banks like these is simply connect the cable to the device that you’re going to charge and then it begins charging without connecting it to a charging electronic.
However, the charging cables that these power banks are on, are able to be used just as any other charging cable. That’s because you can use them with USB wall chargers, car chargers and for other charging or syncing needs.

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